A series of conferences in London
by Taner
Derviş, the former head of Evkaf, last month has turned on its head all perceptions about
the ownership of the Cypriot town of Maraş . Among the many bold claims Derviş made
were that Evkaf land was never sold
by Turkish Cypriots to the British and evidence gleaned from title deeds “prove” that Turkish-owned property was “illegally transferred” to mostly Greek
Cypriot owners while the island was under British rule.
Turkish control and uninhabited since the 1974 War, Maraş (also known as
Varosha) is part of Famagusta
district on the eastern coast of Cyprus . The town is
presented by the Greek Cypriot side as inalienably “theirs”. Resolutions have
been passed by the United Nations and European Parliament demanding its return
to its “lawful” inhabitants, while South Cyprus leaders regularly put forward
motions that Greek Cypriots be allowed to return as a confidence-building preliminary
to the Cyprus talks.
on the Turkish side have long claimed Maraş is Turkish-owned, but have failed
to present any significant facts to support their case. Any information that
has been forthcoming, usually via media reports, is often in Turkish and not
easy to find for those outside of the island.
‘Property and compensation rights of
Evkaf Foundation and the Issue of Maraş’, Derviş’ comprehensive
presentation aimed from the outset to demonstrate that this once fashionable seaside
town that was frequently graced by British and Hollywood
stars is, in fact, legally Turkish-owned.
measures 2.3 square miles and, according to Derviş, Evkaf owns the deeds to some 500,000 dönums – pretty much the
entire area.
The Ottomans formed Evkaf in Cyprus in 1571
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Sultan Selim II ruled when the Ottomans conquered Cyprus |
the Ottomans conquered the island back in 1571, one of the first things they
set up was the Evkaf (short for Kıbrıs Vakıflar İdaresi or the Islamic
Trust of Cyprus). The Sultan’s edict laid down the principles for its
administration. These state that any property bequeathed to Evkaf for the benefit of Cyprus ’ Muslim
community is ‘irrevocable, perpetual and inalienable’. Should Evkaf be deprived of its property, it
must be compensated for loss of use and revenue.
the centuries, new articles governing the administration of Trust property have
been added. Derviş said these 485 articles have become embedded into the Laws
of Cyprus, citing the core ones that shaped the formation and running of vakıf (foundation) land. For example,
Article 11: Vakfieths (deeds of dedication) Irrevocable states: “A vakfieth registered under the provisions
of section 9 shall be deemed to be irrevocable and the dedicator of the vakf
shall have no power to rescind such vakf.”
Articles clearly state how land bequeathed to Evkaf perpetually remains its
property and cannot be transferred by the Evkaf Mütevelli (Administrator), the dedicator or their heirs. Articles also exist that spell out the specific circumstances under which administrators may exchange Evkaf property for that of equivalent
value and how Evkaf should be compensated if its property is
forcefully seized by trespassers.
Evkaf rights embedded in Cyprus Law and international
same principles are also included in the Republic of Cyprus ’
Constitution of 1960. Article 110 clearly states that “no legislative, executive or other act whatsoever shall contravene or
override or interfere with such Laws or Principles of Vakfs.”
addition to these, Derviş pointed to the many legal precedents that were formed
as a result of these laws being applied during the last one hundred years. Among
key cases he cited involving Evkaf ownership
rights being upheld were for the Arabahmet Aqueduct in Nicosia in 1914 and Tersefan farmland in
Larnaca in 1958.
Later, the international treaties that led to the creation of an independentCyprus also acknowledged these Trust rights.
Later, the international treaties that led to the creation of an independent
Interestingly, Annex E of the Treaty of the Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus, which was signed in 1960, states that the newly formed state must bear “all legal liabilities and obligations incurred by the government of the Colony of Cyprus” as if they had been incurred by itself.
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Archbishop Makarios (centre) and Sir Hugh Foot (right) for the UK, signing the Treaty of the Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus in 1960 |
U of the same Treaty also states that the British Government is, “making available the sum of £1,500,000 by
way of a grant to the Turkish community in Cyprus to be used for education,
the development of Vakf property and cultural and other like purposes.”
Derviş, who spent 32 years working
at Evkaf, believes this grant by the British to Turkish Cypriots is the root of the popular
myth about the so-called sale of Evkaf
land. Many Cypriots were deliberately – but falsely – led to believe that
“Maraş was sold to the British by Denktaş
and Küçük in 1955 for £1.5 million” – an assertion that was firmly rejected
by the two Turkish Cypriot leaders. For
a start, in 1955 Turkish Cypriots did not even have control of Evkaf – its administration rested with Britain until 1956 – and moreover there are no
deeds or other legal proof documenting such a sale, only the reference under
Appendix U of the 1960 Treaty of the Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus .
British and Greek Cypriots complicit in illegal
transfer of Evkaf property
Derviş underlined the fact that the Treaty of Establishment passed any earlier wrong-doing by
the British entirely on to the Cypriot government. He claims there is plenty of
evidence detailing the illegal transfer of Evkaf
property throughout British Rule.
Another element Derviş repeatedly emphasised was that Evkaf is the “greatest landowner in Cyprus ”. Over
the centuries, many Cypriot Muslims left land to Evkaf, hence its accumulation of huge wealth, but this was not at the
expenses of others on the island.
reminded the audience that prior to the reign of the Ottomans, Greek Cypriots,
who are Orthodox Christians, had lived as serfs under Catholic Venetian rule. This
changed when the Turks arrived, who granted them numerous rights, including ownership
of land.
In 1924, two years after Cyprus formally passed into British hands, a land census showed that roughly one third was owned by the Sultan (now the State), one third by Muslims, and one third by non-Muslims (the latter two comprising a mixture of individuals and institutions).
In 1924, two years after Cyprus formally passed into British hands, a land census showed that roughly one third was owned by the Sultan (now the State), one third by Muslims, and one third by non-Muslims (the latter two comprising a mixture of individuals and institutions).
the collapse of Ottoman rule, much Evkaf
land was usurped by Greek Cypriots – primarily individuals, but also
businesses, schools and the Greek Orthodox Church, who all helped themselves to
Turkish-owned land. Derviş argued that Britain was complicit in enabling these unlawful transfers. Laws were ignored, court decisions in favour of Evkaf were not upheld, key documents
were ‘lost’ and Evkaf resources were mismanaged.
To prove this, Derviş
presented numerous title deeds from the past century where Evkaf-owned land was clearly unlawfully transacted by the central
government. The vast majority of these deeds, he said, list names of Greek Cypriots as the new
‘owners’, all authorised by British officials. Through this Derviş claims some 77%
of Maraş became illegally occupied by Greek Cypriots. He adds that his research
exposes the same situation of usurpation and unlawful occupation across the entire southern part
of the island.
Arestis & Lordos in legal battle with Evkaf
over Maraş
significant body of evidence assembled by Derviş and his team at Evkaf sheds a whole new light on key property
judgments in Cyprus, such as in the Arestis case. In 2005, Ms. Xenides-Arestis won
a claim of compensation against the Turkish side at the European Court of Human
Rights (ECHR) without providing any deeds to the land she claimed her family
owns in Maraş.
Evkaf was initially not a party to the Arestis
case at the ECHR. Treated as a test case, its outcome paved the way for over 1,400 others to push for similar legal satisfaction, which prompted the
European Court to rule that it was better for a local body – the internationally
accepted Immovable Property Commission (IPC) in the TRNC – to find lawful
remedies in not just the Arestis, but also all the other property cases involving
Greek Cypriot refugees originally from North Cyprus.
ECHR judgment meant it was left to the IPC to review and decide the appropriate
remedies for claims made by refugees from Maraş. Among those applying was Andreas
Lordos. Recently deceased, Lordos was one of the island’s wealthiest men prior
to the events of 1974 and a big developer in the seaside resort, owning five
hotels, and several apartment blocks.
2012, Lordos was among those who objected to Evkaf’s application to join the cases involving Maraş.
Evkaf’s lawyer had initially presented evidence to the IPC from the Famagusta Land Registry, which showed the Arestis land was actually owned by the Abdullahpasha Vakfı and had been unlawfully transferred to a Greek Cypriot individual. This deed had failed to record either the amount or the purpose of the exchange, so in addition to being constitutionally estopped (prior laws prevented such transfers), the contract was also not legal as there was no consideration (payment).
Evkaf’s lawyer had initially presented evidence to the IPC from the Famagusta Land Registry, which showed the Arestis land was actually owned by the Abdullahpasha Vakfı and had been unlawfully transferred to a Greek Cypriot individual. This deed had failed to record either the amount or the purpose of the exchange, so in addition to being constitutionally estopped (prior laws prevented such transfers), the contract was also not legal as there was no consideration (payment).
to the objections against Evkaf from Lordos
and the other Maraş refugees, the matter transferred to the TRNC’s Constitutional Court ,
which took Lordos as the test case. The TRNC Court took the view that it was important to
determine the lawful owners of property before any remedies could be agreed to compensate for loss of use, or to award restitution or exchange. Given the comprehensive evidence Evkaf presented, the Court ruled the Trust should be admitted as a party to the all Maraş claims before the IPC.
also produced copies of the Arestis deeds in Parliament. These are dated
September 1913, October 1949 and February 1974, all showing the unlawful
transfer of Evkaf land to the Arestis
family. He said as part of its legal action, Evkaf was itself demanding restitution and compensation from the
Why is Evkaf only now asserting its property rights?
asked by one listener in Parliament why such evidence was only just coming to
light, Derviş answered that it was important to provide clear, unequivocal proof
about ownership, which had taken decades to compile. Some deeds were in the
Ottoman archives, the others were split between the Turkish and Greek Cypriot Land
Registries. The South, he said, is not interested in helping to prove Evkaf ownership and until recently,
there was no digital technology to help pull the pieces together. However a
partial map of land ownership in Cyprus and the illegal occupation
of Evkaf land, backed by deeds and other legal proof, were now emerging.
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Taner Derviş (front) with (from L-R) Lady Butterworth, TRNC London Rep. Oya Tuncali, Ersu Ekrem of BTCA, Lord Maginnis and Mr Tuncali at House of Commons on 28 Jan. 2015 |
questions put to Derviş in Parliament and his responses are summarised as
Was there was a paper
trail detailing land bequeathed to the Islamic Trusts? Yes.
Is Apostolos Andreas Monastery
on Vakıf (Islamic Trust) land? Not sure, but don’t think so.
Do digital copies of
these documents exist? Currently no. We are at tip of iceberg with the paper
copies, as it is taking time to mine the considerable British, Ottoman and
Cypriot property archives. It will take additional time to transfer all online.
But I can send scanned copies of what I have to any who request.
Is it morally right for a
religious scheme set up 500 years ago to still prevail? It’s the Ottomans who
paved the way for Greek Cypriots to be landowners and why today the Greek
Orthodox Church is so wealthy.
Is the Cyprus Government
responsible for ‘mistakes’ made by the British over Evkaf land? Yes, the Republic of Cyprus agreed to this when the island
became independent.
Can Maraş help a Cyprus solution? Politics will determine
the outcome of the talks and who governs specific territory across the island,
but the Law will still be needed to determine the rightful owners of land.
Will Evkaf’s claims help
or hinder the current climate in Cyprus ? Giving clarity on the legal
ownership of land can only help a fair solution for all.
Surely Britain , as rulers of the island, had the right
to change laws and even take over Evkaf land, as the Ottomans had done when they
conquered Cyprus ? The British usurped Evkaf
law as early as 1907 – way before they had such rights. Moreover, they have
legally committed to protecting and upholding laws governing Evkaf rights and property.
If British responsible,
why not chase them for Evkaf compensation? These are not one-sided actions. There
was complicity with Greek Cypriots, who benefited from these unlawful transactions.
“What matters is the truth about who really owns
the Derviş Parliament talk, Leyla Kemal, one of the attendees, told T-VINE: “It’s so important to know about our roots. It
doesn’t matter how long it has taken, what matters is the truth about who
really owns Maraş. And that the law is properly and fairly applied for all in Cyprus .”
it may be, but the thorough and detailed work by Derviş and others on Evkaf property rights stands to be a
real game changer in Cyprus .
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